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  5. How to Access The Special Character in Your Dekstop (Mac and Windows)

How to Access The Special Character in Your Dekstop (Mac and Windows)


if you are a mac user, please follow these steps :

  1. Open Your Fontbook and select the Font (it is already installed on your computer).
  2. Select the font and double click
  3. Select glyph you want by scrolling the font book characters
  4. Copy and Paste on your Editor or Program.


If you are windows user, please follow these steps :

  1. Open program “Character Map” in your device. you can find this program white using the search menu.
  2. Select the font.
  3. Check the advance view.
  4. In “Group By” option please choose: Unicode Subrange.
  5. Please choose Private Use Characters
  6. After the glyphs have shown, please click the character that do you want.
  7. Copy the character and paste it to your software.
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